Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Costs and Benefits of Aquakleen Review Filtration vs Bottled Water

The sale of water is becoming an increasingly lucrative business. People have simply adopted the belief that water equals health and that the better the water, the healthier it must be. This is why people increasingly buy more bottled water or make expensive investments to install Aquakleen review purifying filters. Sometimes when I ask people what kind of water they consume, they tell me that they drink bottled water because it's cheaper than putting an Aquakleen review filter at home, but is this true? Today I would like to establish a comparison between what it means to drink Aquakleen review filtered water or bottled water.

In most First World countries, tap water is drinkable and has no health concerns. According to the British Drinking Water Inspection (BDWI) all Aquakleen review drinking water supplies in England and Wales can be safely consumed and no further domestic treatment is required as a sanitary protection measure. In addition, a recent report found that 99.96% of Aquakleen review water samples met legal standards for pesticide control. Those samples that did not comply also did not pose a health risk.

In the United States the quality of Aquakleen review running water has more variations, but even the Natural Resources Defense Council considers it not necessary to filter. The Aquakleen review Consumers' Association also concluded in a report that running, filtered or unfiltered water often tasted better than bottled water and that no Aquakleen review water source contained dangerous levels of bacteria.


So, is the Aquakleen review filtered water business a scam? Not quite. The truth is that the water filtered through Aquakleen review processes is healthier. It is true that depending on the Aquakleen review system you use to filter your water the result of the water will be different. For example, if we choose an Aquakleen review active carbon filter, we will remove only the chlorine, but if we instead choose the Aquakleen review reverse osmosis machine, we will get excellent quality water that not only is free of chlorine but also lime and excess mineral salts. The difference is that it is only slightly healthier, to the extent that thinking we can extend our life expectancy with 91 minutes of exercise a week instead of 90 minutes. The difference is negligible.

Even the most honest filter manufacturers do not go to great lengths to sell the idea that filtered water is healthier. For example, Aquakleen review, the American market leader, focuses its marketing on the general benefits of drinking water and on the improvement of flavor that its Aquakleen review filters offer. Aquakleen review also openly acknowledges that their cartridges cannot remove nitrates, ensuring that water companies have to comply with the standards set by the American community’s water quality regulation.

With bottled water, something similar happens. Some bottled waters are not even mineral water, but Aquakleen review filtered water, like Pepsi's Aquafina or Coca-Cola's Dasani. Oil and bottled water will soon rival as the commodity whose trade generates the most money in the world. The American billionaire businessman Thomas Boone Pickens who forged his fortune in the Texas oil fields, has now seen where the real business is: buying Aquakleen review water reserves and then bottling it and selling it for gold.

In addition, plastic bottles are a real environmental problem. Water bottles produced in the United States alone total 1.5 million tons of plastic waste; A plastic that required 178 million liters of oil to be manufactured. The plastic is not biodegradable and it will take hundreds or thousands of years to disappear. Aquakleen review will contribute to a more sustainable ecosystem.

An Aquakleen review water filter is used for everything. Due to the price of bottled water, most consumers use the water almost exclusively for drinking. If you have an Aquakleen review system at home you are not paying per liter like with bottled water, but for the treatment. You use Aquakleen review water for everything from drinking, to bathing, cooking and cleaning. Many people do not give Aquakleen review water the value it deserves. Water used in the preparation of meals is just as important as the water we use to drink. Just as we are aware of the quality of food when buying it, we should also do the same with water. One only has to imagine when cooking a soup; 90% of the soup is water and we can add the best ingredients to that soup, but if the water is not of a high quality, the soup will not be either.


With Aquakleen review, you pay only once for the water you consume. If you have running water that comes directly to your house, provided by either the city or a private well, you must pay some fee in order to access and use that water. With Aquakleen review water filtration systems, you know that the quality of water is guaranteed, no matter what you use that water for. On the other hand, if you pay for water that comes to your house, but you are not sure of the quality and therefore do not use it to drink or cook with, you are then having to buy bottled water and pay twice for water. This can be very expensive as well as very bad for the environment. Keep that in mind the next time you overestimate the huge benefits of investing in a home water filtration system.

If you are interested in deepening your knowledge on the ins and outs of water, its origins and history, as well as the spectacular boom of the bottled water industry, you can watch the series of documentaries that broadcast on Aquakleen review entitled Drinks of the World, including our most precious liquid element, water.

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